August 31, 2023

Emotional Support Dogs Join CPS Staff

CPS has partnered with Canines for Change to provide emotional support dogs to help students deal with stress, process mental health concerns and boost academic engagement

Emotional support labradoodle named PoppyAs we start school on Tuesday, September 5 th , 2023, we wanted to celebrate the start of our Mental Health supports for our students! With additional Mental Health grant funding, we have added two more Student Support Specialists, bringing our total to eight positions! The means each building has one Student Support Specialist, and two additional positions will float as needed in both the secondary and elementary buildings. These positions specifically work with our student body to improve relationships, behavior, and building morale/culture. Small group and one on one supports are also available and anyone who is interested can sign up.

We have also utilized this grant funding to begin our support dog program at Charlotte Public Schools! We have partnered with the non-profit Canines for Change, to add two support dogs to our district. These dogs are specifically bred and trained to work with staff and students in school settings, and will be a wonderful addition to our district! As they work in the schools, they help students to deal with stress, process mental health concerns, and boost academic engagement. Washington Elementary will be adding Poppy (pictured), a labradoodle, to their staff and Charlotte Middle School will have a puppy-in-training named Lincoln, starting in October. Poppy has already been a guest at Charlotte Rotary and our Board of Education meeting, bringing smiles wherever she visits! Canines for Change has been a supportive partner to Charlotte Public Schools, and we look forward to have this program in our schools and to grow it for the future!

Go Orioles! Oriole Pride!

Dr. Mandy R. Stewart- CPS Superintendent
Go Orioles, Oriole Pride!