November 13, 2023

Tina VanSyckle Honored by the Michigan Business Education Association

The award recognizes VanSyckle's 30-year career as an outstanding business educator 

On November 9, 2023, Georgianna Baldwin accepted an MBEA award on behalf of Tina VanSyckle-Baker for her dedication as a teacher and MBEA member for 30 years. The award was presented at the Bavarian Inn during the annual MBEA Conference Luncheon in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The nominee, Tina VanSyckle, received this award because she has been an MBEA member, CTE Business Teacher, and BPA Advisor for 30 years! Tina taught full-time at Charlotte High School as a CTE Business Educator and Technology teacher helping students in Careers, Digital Multimedia, Business Management, Computer Applications, and Personal Finance.

In addition, Tina ran the Charlotte High School Oriole Nest Cafe, training and employing many students over her 30 years to support the Career Technology Education (CTE) program. Tina has helped students earn Certiport Microsoft certificates in PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, including college credits with Lansing Community College, Davenport University, and Baker College. Tina has worked with students in the area of Job Shadows, Mock Interviews, Business and Industry, Industry related field trips, local Business Speakers, and developing Resumes and References to help students in the world of work!

Lastly, Tina has been a support to students, new teachers and other colleagues for many years, and words and awards cannot compare to all that she has achieved over her 30 years as an educator, colleague, friend, and MBEA member!